In Cooperation with our customers we create and develop customized products taking into account all necessary circumstances:
Besides sphagnum peat, bark humus and green compost the additives like clay, perlite, slow release fertilizer, azomite or mycorrhizae are just a few of the ingredients that we use for our products. Our strength is custom made growing media to satisfy specific needs of each customer all over the world, in Europe and North America, in Asia – Middle East or Far East, in Middle or South America or in Africa.
In cooperation with nature conservation authorities, ASB Greenworld is constantly re-cultivating peat lands. The prime objective is to return a harvested bog to a functioning wetland or forestation through the restoration process developed by Laval University in Quebec/Canada.
All of our products are developed and produced from high quality raw materials. Individual mixes are always freshly produced based on five basic mixtures. We set high standards for ourselves from the extraction of raw materials to delivery. Thanks to targeted research and development, ASB Greenworld is constantly upgrading our products and exploring new ways to improve production.
Excellent raw materials - Just-in-time production in modern facilities - customized batch after batch.
Production in Estonia:
100L, 200L, 250L Bales, 5.000L and 6.000L Big Bales.
Production in Canada:
3.8 cu.ft. Bales, loose filled material (Tote Bag), 6m³ Big Bale.
All manufacturing facilities in Europe and Canada are using cutting edge technology and the total energy consumption in the production process was reduced by 30 percent. In recent years, ASB Greenworld has reduced its use of peat in potting soil production by more than 50 percent!